Muhammad Khalid Masud

Muhammad Khalid Masud (born April 15, 1939) is the former Chairman (2004 - 2010) of the Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan.

Masud obtained his PhD in Islamic Studies at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Previously he worked as the Academic Director of the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) in Leiden (the Netherlands). Until 1999, he was a professor at the Islamic Research Institute in Islamabad (Pakistan). His publications include Shatibi's Philosophy of Law (rev. ed. 1995), Iqbal's Reconstruction of Ijtihad (1995), Islamic Legal Interpretation: The Muftis and their Fatwas (with B. Messick and D. Powers, 1996), and the edited volume Travellers in Faith: Studies of the Tablîghî Jamâ'at as a Transnational Islamic Movement for Faith Renewal (2000). He has been an editor of the journal Islamic Studies.

He has worked and taught at the following institutions as
Authored, edited and co-edited a number of books such as
He has edited and coedited

Authored around ninety-five Research articles, chapters and encyclopedia articles published in journals of international repute; included as chapters in books edited at el or co-authored and/or in Encyclopedias.

External links

Books by Muhammad Khalid Masud